A job is just something you chose to do for a while.
Yet, so many of us are attached to our career.
Our work is intertwined with our life’s story.
We identify ourselves by what we do.
When meeting someone new, the first question we often ask is “what do you do?”
Office worker
Retail Clerk
Time Traveler
These are all labels.
They are not you!
Just because you’ve been doing a job or a career for years or decades doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it for life.
At any point, you can decide you no longer want to do that thing and try something else completely new.
You don’t owe anybody anything.
You don’t even owe yourself anything.
If it doesn’t light you up, don’t do it.
Instead, go find something that brings you joy.
An eye doctor can become a camp counselor.
A truck driver can become a movie director.
A CEO can become a circus clown.
A teacher can become an online business owner.
A digital agency owner can abandon his biz of 15-years to focus on showing photographers how to grow a highly profitable network marketing business and stand out on social media without being salesy.
(Yes, that last one is what I’m doing right now)
A job should support YOUR passions and dreams.
What’s the point of living if you don’t feel alive?
The time is now.
The world is changing around us faster than ever before.
The only certainty is uncertainty.
Take a chance …
Follow your heart …
Trust that success will follow you!
What is YOUR dream work scenario … and what’s stopping you from getting there?